Articles For Tag "legislative"

  • SHAZAM's taking the fight to the fraudsters in 3 ways

    posted by Mike Burke on Wednesday, May 19, 2021

    Fraud is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States. I say industry because that's what it is. The size and scale of the organizations behind fraud demand a comprehensive response. While the technologies to fight fraud continue to improve, so do the tactics fraudsters use. It's an ongoing battle — that's why at SHAZAM we've taken a more holistic, broader approach to fighting fraud.

  • SHAZAM advocates for issues important to community financial institutions. Here's what advocacy looks like in a pandemic.

    posted by Dan Kramer on Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Dan Kramer directs all aspects of SHAZAM's government relations activities at the local, state and federal levels and is passionate about every voice being heard in the political process. He knows that navigating the complexity of the legislative process and the pitfalls of politics can be a daunting task and offers some insight into successfully advocating for your issues even during a pandemic.

  • 3 ways we're fighting fraud

    posted by Mike Burke on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

    Fighting fraud requires a multi-faceted effort and it takes everyone working together to protect users from fraud and the theft of personal information.